“He always wanted to clip the line and start over, but it soothed me to work on the line. To know that I could get out every knot and tangle in time. To know that the line might not be perfect afterwards, but it could be restored.” My daughter brought me a kite out of…
Category: Transformation
We Grow by Grace
“All real, sustained growth occurs by Grace via the Mystery that lives at the junction of Releasing (death) and Receiving (rebirth).” No striving is necessary. We only need to understand the pattern of transformation: Grief, Gratitude, Gift. “Graceful Presence (Soul) is the mystery at the Heart of Creation, where Death and Life are One and…
Where dark & light unite, love takes flight.
Long have I loved you. There is Hope. You will be found. The mystery that lives in the darkness is You. And She is Love. “When you don’t feel strong enough to stand, you can reach out your hand. And oh, someone will coming running. And I know, they’ll take you home…Out of the shadows,…